jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011


    Correction of the exam 1st term

  • What type of change is erosion ,trasport and sedimentation ?
C .... progressive change
  • Name three agents of erosion ?give one example of each
Water , wind and ice all these agents break the rocks with force causing erosion

  • When water appers suddenly and runs with no definite course we are talking about a
B..... gully

  • Water with great force as a result of ice melting is called a
B...... torrent

  • Heavy rocks can be carried by the stream until the delta
  • Fill in the gaps with the respective terms
Valleys  are formed by erosion or exacavation of tha land .the moving water tear off rocks of different size and transport them to other places. If this process is repeated constantly over thousand years,the river digs a deep trench though this are called valley

  • Fill in the missing word .
Although the external layer of the earth has cooled ,the heat inside the earth is being maintained
  • Fill in the misising word
According to Wegener ,the continents of today come form the fracture of one original continent called ,pangea
  • Fill in the missing word
Most typical volcanoes form a cone ,with an oppenig at the top know as the crater

  • The litosphere consists of
A....... tectonic plates

  • The boundary between the African and South American plates is located at the bottom of the Pacific ocean .

  • Fill in the missing word
Just of the east coast of Japan ,the Pacific oceanic plates is colliding with the Eurasian palte .As a result of this collision ,the Pacific plate is going under the Eurasian plate forming deep convergent boundaries.

  • Explain  the three different types of boundary between plates

Divergent boundaries are where the lithopspheric plates are moving away in opposite directions

Convergent boudaries are areas where the lithospheric  plates are pushed together .

Transforms faults are where the Earth´s lithospheric plates move in opposite but parallel directions .

The Earth´s internal energy Volcanoes release gaseos and lava by the heat inside the earth.
The Ring of Fire has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes.
About 90% of the world's earthquakes and 80% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire.


To date they have recorded 27 potentially active volcanoes in Ecuador, including Galapagos volcanoes. Of these, seven continental volcanoes (Cayambe, Reventador, Guagua Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Sangay and Potrerillos-Chacana) and seven volcanoes of Galapagos (Marchena, Cerro Azul, Fernandina, St. Thomas / Chico Volcano, Alcedo, Darwin and Wolf) have had eruptions in historical times, ie since 1532.

The Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world

anThe Galapagos Islands are volcanic islands in the eastern part Situated of the Pacific Ocean and lie on the equator Directly.dGalapagos Islands are the archipelago of islands of volcanic origin, and boilers are Formed at the summit of volcanoes.lie dir

I think that the existence of volcanoes in a country has advantage and disadvantage:
The advantage is that volcanoes produce geothermal energy and also they  are places of tourist like LAS TERMAS DE PAPALLACTA and is for the energy of Antisana.
 The disadvantage  is that volcanic eruptions can cause: lahars, lava flug causing the destucion roads, crops, cities and special life estate of mind.


The parts of a river

1- is the upper course in which flows through the mountains,from the river source.
2- Is the middle course flows through areas with more moderate slopes and the current is therefore less intese.
3-Is the lower course flows through plains close to the estruary of the river.

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